Thursday, April 8, 2010

Rascal by Sterling North

Rascal is a book about a boy and his pet raccoon. The boy, Sterling, finds Rascal along with his brothers and sisters in an abandoned hole. Sterling saves Rascal and from there, they have many wonderful adventures. Now, if you are a person who doesn't like old timey books, you might end up liking this one. It takes place in 1913 and the author is telling his own memories from when he was a boy. If you are an animal lover, you should definitely read this book. There are some hilarious moments(I really wish I could tell you them) and there are some sad moments also. I had to read this for school but it was enjoyable. It took you back to that time and made you feel like one of the characters.
I give it 4 stars because it was kind of confusing very few times but it also made you stop thinking about what was happening in the book sometimes.


Hello, I am Rachel Lawing! In this blog, I will be giving you my personal reviews and ratings of the books I read! Now, since I am only a tween, I won't be reviewing adult books or children's books, but the ones appropriate for my age. You will get updates about books that are coming out soon that I can't wait to read! But, since I am in school, I have a program that I have to do for a grade called Accelerated Reader. I don't like but I have to do it. So stay tuned for updates and reviews on some of my favorite books!